An American nutritionist said on tiktok, that women over 60 don’t have to look old and wrinkled.
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The appearance of Health-e-Habits Nutrition (@healthehabitsnutrition) is proof of her skincare approach.
Her tip is simple and does not involve invasive beauty procedures.
First, she gave the scientific explanation behind skin aging.
“Our skin is composed of collagen and elastins that keep our skin soft and flexible,” she said in her post.
“That’s why I take my liquid collagen and apply my cosmetic grade collagen skincare,” she said.
According to the nutritionist, there was one food that should be abandoned if you wanted to slow down the appearance of aging – sugar.
“It will accelerate the aging process,” she said.
According to the nutritionist, sugar makes cross-links with elaston, resulting in the breakdown and loss of elastin. Causing more sagging and wrinkles.
Dr. Andrew Nish, MD, from UnityPoint Health supported her theory.
“Sugar causes cross-linking of collagen, resulting in stiffening and loss of elasticity of our skin. The more sugar we have, the more our skin starts to suffer.”
Photo and video: reproduction @healthehabitsnutrition